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European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. April 16, 2024.

Delaney S, Keinänen O, Lam D, Wolfe AL, Hamakubo T, and Zeglis BM

Current Oncology. April 3, 2024.

Ash LA, Busia-Bourdain O, Okpattah D, Kamel A, Liberchuk A, and Wolfe AL.

Molecular and Cellular Oncology. October 27, 2021.

Kim S, Wolfe AL*, Kim SE*

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. August 3, 2021.

Wolfe AL, Zhou Q, Toska E, Galeas J, Ku AA, Koche RP, Bandyopadhyay S, Scaltriti M, Lebrilla CB, McCormick F*, Kim SE*

Communications Biology. March 9, 2021.

Pappas K, Martin TC, Wolfe AL, Nguyen CB, Su T, Jin J, Hibshoosh H, Parsons R

Cancers. February 5, 2021.

Sanghvi VR, Mohan P, Singh K, Cao L, Berishaj M, Wolfe AL, Schatz JH, Lailler N, de Stanchina E, Viale A, Wendel HG

Immunity. December 19, 2017.

Riquelme SA, Hopkins BD, Wolfe AL, DiMango E, Kitur K, Parsons R, Prince A

Science Signaling. November 18, 2014.

Sanghvi VR, Mavrakis KJ, Van der Meulen J, Boice M, Wolfe AL, Carty M, Mohan P, Rondou P, Socci ND, Benoit Y, Taghon T, Van Vlierberghe P, Leslie CS, Speleman F, Wendel HG

Nature. September 4, 2014.

Wolfe AL*, Singh K*, Zhong Y, Drewe P, Rajasekhar VK, Sanghvi VR, Mavrakis KJ, Jiang M, Roderick JE, Van der Meulen J, Schatz JH, Rodrigo CM, Zhao C, Rondou P, de Stanchina E, Teruya-Feldstein J, Kelliher MA, Speleman F, Porco JA Jr, Pelletier J, Rätsch G, Wendel HG

Cell. October 28, 2011

Oricchio E, Nanjangud G, Wolfe AL, Schatz JH, Mavrakis KJ, Jiang M, Liu X, Bruno J, Heguy A, Olshen AB, Socci ND, Teruya-Feldstein J, Weis-Garcia F, Tam W, Shaknovich R, Melnick A, Himanen JP, Chaganti RS, Wendel HG

Journal of Experimental Medicine. August 29, 2011.

Schatz JH, Oricchio E, Wolfe AL, Jiang M, Linkov I, Maragulia J, Shi W, Zhang Z, Rajasekhar VK, Pagano NC, Porco JA Jr, Teruya-Feldstein J, Rosen N, Zelenetz AD, Pelletier J, Wendel HG

Nature Genetics. June 5, 2011.

Mavrakis KJ, Van Der Meulen J, Wolfe AL, Liu X, Mets E, Taghon T, Khan AA, Setty M, Rondou P, Vandenberghe P, Delabesse E, Benoit Y, Socci NB, Leslie CS, Van Vlierberghe P, Speleman F, Wendel HG

Disease Models and Mechanisms. Nov-Dec 2010.

Oricchio E, Wolfe AL, Schatz JH, Mavrakis KJ, Wendel HG

Nature Cell Biology. February 28, 2010.

Mavrakis KJ*, Wolfe AL*, Oricchio E, Palomero T, de Keersmaecker K, McJunkin K, Zuber J, James T, Khan AA, Leslie CS, Parker JS, Paddison PJ, Tam W, Ferrando A, Wendel HG

*Denotes equal authorship contribution.

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